Sunday, August 19, 2007

" I think its probably a good thing to be considered stable but with a capacity for madness"- wayne coyne, The Flaming Lips

HaHa Alright i have to admit this one was a bit random but it does relate if you let me explain. Its not really music themed but it does explain me. I think its pretty much saying you can be as stable and normal as you want to be but there is still a possibility for just "being out there". I would say I'm normal but alot of people would probably disagree. I consider some of the stuff that's in my mind or even that comes out my mouth madness but who says thats a bad thing. I understand alot just things other people dont. Lol. I can be crazy( again in a Good way) but still stable.

Also of anyone wants to hear my theory about that here you go. Everyone is crazy. I say this because If you are sane you are normal stable if you will. But thats makes you in the state of sanity. Putting it together would say you are In-Sane...insane. What does insane mean...Crazy! See i make sense it just takes awhile sometimes. : )

Oh wait i came up with something. To be able to produce good music is stable more or less borderline talent. But to produce truly great music that is almost considered an artistic revolution that is madness.

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